This prophetic ministry was launched in the early 1980s, some 40 years ago. The mandate was to raise a prophetic standard with training for prophetic people — a much-neglected task in the body of Christ. For prophets, it is a strange mystery and often a confusing journey, and out of a need of a safe place, this Academy was birthed.

With 40 years of experience, it only made sense that a home be created for discipleship, a place of learning and belonging. For all prophetic people, whether gifted or called to the full prophetic office. If you are called to be a teacher, pastor, evangelist, or even an apostle, there is room for you.

Prophets need a home.

Naioth is mentioned in 1 Samuel 19 as a place where Samuel established a community of prophets. Here the prophets lived, gathered, and felt safe. They learned from each other and formed a close bond.

In the book of Acts 11, there was a group of prophets that traveled from Jerusalem to Antioch, which indicates that the New Testament Church also had a gathering of prophetic people.

This Prophetic Academy is meant to be a home and a place of learning for all prophets. You are most welcome here.

Prophets Academy


  • minimum 1-year history of being part of a local church 

  • a recommendation as a prophetic person

  • complete Prophets Academy Course I and II (*Discounted for members)

  • $200 monthly contribution

If you are interested, please complete the following application, and a member of our team will reply via email and share the next steps once your application has been reviewed. If you have any questions, please call us at 888-354-7770.

*You will be redirected to the Church Center App.

Note: After receiving your application, we will review it, not only prayerfully but the best we can, to maintain the integrity of this prophetic family and we will get back to you shortly. We are excited to see what the Lord has in store for both you and us here at Prophetic Life.

This curriculum has been carefully developed for individuals who desire a deeper understanding of the purpose of prophecy and a desire to understand and operate in the gift of prophecy.